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SFDC Integration with SFTP Server



Not sure this is the right forum for this topic, if not please kindly suggest alternative forum.


Looking for information on how to setup the mechanism to pull/decrypt and load in Salesforce objects encrypted CSV files containing customers information and hosted on SFTP server. 


Would be glad to receive suggections on recommended procedures, tools and best practices.











For SFDC Integration with SFTP Server you will have to create a tool in any languge like,java ,c#  that will fetch you csv files from the SFTP server and pull into the your object of the salesforce.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 


You don't need to write any code - there are dozens of applications available that you can automate to do the polling via SFTP.  


In fact, take a look at the AS2 Connector (supports SFTP) at  It is completely free for connecting with one host and has simple scheduling capabilities so that you can automate the file transfer. Versions are natively available for Window and Linux/Unix (Java) so it works pretty much everywhere.  


Once you have those files downloaded you can tie into the applications 'events' and automate the process of pushing to salesforce.  If you need help, I am sure the support team can assist you in getting setup.




i was looking for something similar.


Emadari, how much  As2 connector Costs. Can you give me more info regarding AS2?






you can use informatica data loader


The RSSBus Secure Managed File Transfer Connectors that I mentioned previously have been released from beta:


  • AS2 Connector - A Drummond certified solution for secure AS2 messaging, the leading standard for secure Internet EDI.
  • OFTP Connector - An OFTP2 compliant secure file transfer solution. 
  • SFTP Connector - Advanced SSH-Enabled SFTP File Transfer with automation. 
  • FTP/S Connector - Plain-text or SSL-Enabled FTP connectivity. 

Each of these connectors is completely free for use with a single trading partner/host.  



Willy DinahWilly Dinah
Try Skyvia ( With the help of it, you can easily set up almost any kind of schedule. Moreover, it`s completely free up to +100k CSV import/export to SFTP
Eddie PrignanoEddie Prignano
Little bit different use case, but we're trying to link call recordings stored on an SFTP server to Salesforce.  We don't want to store the call recordings in Salesforce, just provide a link.  However, SFTP (in Chrome) prompts the end user to open a 3rd Party App.  Also, Salesforce doesn't allow the URL link to start with 'SFTP' only 'FTP'.  I'm using a merge field on the Task to lookup the right call recording file.  Any suggestions?
Ignatius SandeepIgnatius Sandeep

Please can anyone suggest the best option or the way to go about this.

Case:  The present SF org contains a record type can currently upload supporting documents and files manually using drag and drop. Employees must log into internal server each time they want to access supporting documentation, which they cannot remotely. So via Sftp is it able to access documentation via Salesforce rather than having to log into their server?

  • The ability to upload a copy of the latest version of local documentation in PDF format
  • 6-8 different documents per product to upload.
  • Changes made in the server to sync to Salesforce
  • The latest version of the document to surface when selected via Salesforce
  • Daily uploads, not real time uploads

We have implemented a REST API which allow to directly integrate Salesforce with SFTP Server. You can perform Upload, Download, Delete and Transfer (one FTP / SFTP Server to another FTP / SFTP) operations using this REST API.

Here we are addng API documentation and blog post link.


Blog Post:

Plese reach out to us if you have any questions and queries.