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Continuous integration and code reviews in the cloud

We are looking to set up continuous integration and possibly a code review system for our projects. I am familiar with Hudson/Jenkins for CI and ReviewBoard for code reviews which I had set up at a previous job. The difference is we were hosting all of that ourselves. Now we are a distributed team and currently have our SVN repository hosted with Codesion.


Does anyone know of a good hosted (and not terribly expensive) CI and/or code review solution?


We ended up using an Amazon EC2 instance and installed Jenkins on it. It wasn't too difficult to set up and Amazon currently has a free tier that should be able to run our stuff for free for a year.


I'm debating adding a review system to our EC2 instance as well. It also looks like ReviewBoard will host your ReviewBoard instance for a small charge under the name RBCommons. I haven't used them so this isn't an endorsement, just something to check out if you end up here looking for answers.