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We have created a few inventory location and added it to the service territory location. We have enabled the Multiple location setting in the connected app. When I try to add Product Consumed, I can see only the product items from only one location but not the others. FYI, I didn't assign the location to service resource but as the service territory location.
Please advise.
Can someone guide me on what is the best solution to update csv file data that has been used to create a dataset and is a part of a recipe to be updated on a set schedule.
Today, 9:38 AM Hi @Uzma Syed,
Could you please refer to the following help article, which might help with your scenario:
Hope this helps. Thanks!
Web ページに問題があるか、新しいウェブアドレスに完全に移動した可能性があります。
Today, 9:33 AM Hi @Mina Yoneda,
Sometimes cached files or cookies can cause issues with loading websites. Try clearing your browser cache and cookies and then reload the page.
Additionally, please refer to the following resource, which may be helpful in your scenario:
I hope this helps. Thanks!
Takaaki Motohashi (PERSOL CROSS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.) Forum Ambassador Today, 9:26 AM きちんとsalesforceシステム管理者権限(権限セット含む)とPardotシステム管理者権限を付与した状態であれば退職ユーザーを無効にしても問題ないですが、sandboxで無効にして検証することをおすすめします。
1例ですがダッシュボードの実行者のユーザーを無効にすることによりダッシュボードが見えなくなる など不具合が出る可能性があるので検証が必要です。
トレイルヘッドにて「Control What Your Users Can Access」のハンズオンをしていたところ、
New Muting Permission Setの画面で以下のエラーが発生しております。
- The API name you entered is already in use. Enter a unique API name.
- The label you entered is in use. Enter a unique label.
ハンズオンをクリアするためにLabel:Sales User Muted,API Name:Sales_User_Mutedを設定したいのですが、
添付の通り過去の同名(Label:Sales User Muted,API Name:Sales_User_Muted)は削除しているつもりでした。
recently, i've created one lwc in my org where i need to add inputs to that lwc pop-up . but while entering the input suddenly one error window is throwing on the UI. also unable to understand why it is showing,
Attaching sc below. also pasting the error lined from error window.
[NoErrorObjectAvailable] Script error.
LightningPrimitiveInputSimple.handleInput() #LWC #TrailblazerCommunity #Salesforce Developer
Today, 9:05 AM Verify if your Salesforce authentication has expired or was revoked. Try to reauthorize your Salesforce org connection in Visual Studio.
If you're using Salesforce CLI, run the following command to authorize the org again:
sfdx force:auth:web:login
This will open a browser window to re-authenticate with Salesforce.
Today, 8:52 AM @Pavan Kumar Mahoorker, Refer to this similar issue thread:
Create a Heading for Your Portfolio
- If you’re not already on the All Communities page in Setup, enter Communities in the Quick Find box, select All Communities, then select your community from the list.
- Click Builder. The Experience Builder launches in a new tab.
- Hover over the existing image on the page, and click in the Rich Content Editor on the image.
- Click Edit Content in the popup window
- Highlight the image and press the Delete key.
- Click the image icon in the rich text editor's menu bar and upload the image named portfolio_header.jpg.
- Click Add.
- If your image doesn’t span across the whole page, also add some text such as: My Online Portfolio.
Hi All,
How to have alternate row colors in lightning datatable. Example: Row1: white Row2: Grey Row3: White Row 4: Grey
Today, 8:36 AM Hello @Nandhini s,
Refer to this:
- https://www.salesforcetroop.com/datatable_styling_in_lwc
- https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/platform/lwc/guide/data-table-custom-types-styling.html
Create a CSS file and upload it as a static resource in Salesforce.
/* datatableStyles.css */
.slds-table tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: white;
.slds-table tbody tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: grey;
import { LightningElement, wire, track } from 'lwc';
import { loadStyle } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
import datatableStyles from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/datatableStyles';
import getData from '@salesforce/apex/YourApexClass.getData';
export default class DatatableComponent extends LightningElement {
@track data;
@track columns = [
{ label: 'Name', fieldName: 'Name' },
{ label: 'Amount', fieldName: 'Amount', type: 'currency' },
// Add other columns as needed
wiredData({ error, data }) {
if (data) {
this.data = data;
} else if (error) {
this.data = undefined;
renderedCallback() {
if (this.cssLoaded) {
this.cssLoaded = true;
loadStyle(this, datatableStyles).then(() => {
console.log('CSS loaded successfully');
}).catch(error => {
console.error('Error loading CSS', error);
<lightning-card title="Datatable with Alternate Row Colors">