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Using apex to load detail view, OR create new record if none exists, for custom object data?
Hi all,
I think this is simple, but can't quite figure it out. Here's the use case:
A teacher has links to lesson plans (an object), 1-10, each residing in a different area of the page. Each lesson plan link sends the following to a new page:
Curriculum ID (Lesson_Plans lookup relation), Contact (owner) and number (1-10, since each renders a different template).
I'm trying to build a controller extension so that Lessons either loads the right detail view (pre-populated with the right information, if it exists) OR creates a new record with the information in the URL string, e.g., curriculum ID, contact owner and lesson number.
Any ideas / suggestions on how to make this happen?
Public detailObject__c fobjDetail{
if(fobjDetail == null){
detailObject__c fobjDetail = new detailObject__c();
List<detailObject__c> flstDetailObject = new List<detailObject__c>([select id from detailObject__c where pid__c = : ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('pid')]);
if(flstDetailObject.size() > 0)
fobjDetail = flstDetailObject[0];
insert fobjDetail;
return fobjDetail;
fobjDetail = value;