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Can I add the little round help button from the standard layout to a VF page?

The question says it all, really. You know how on a standard layout there's the little red help button between the label and the input field, which pops up a tooltip if you hover over it and that field has help text defined for it?


Well, I'd like that same functionality on a VF page. There's a spot for it between the label and the input field on a pageBlockSectionItem, so can I add the help button in there?


And if so, how?





Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Yes, yes I can :smileyhappy:


Use helpText, dataTitle, and labelTitle with a pageBlockSectionItem to help your users figure out what's going on.

All Answers


Check into the attributes on pageblocksectionitem.


Post back here with anything you find that might be helpful. :smileywink:


Yes, yes I can :smileyhappy:


Use helpText, dataTitle, and labelTitle with a pageBlockSectionItem to help your users figure out what's going on.

This was selected as the best answer