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Google Maps not Rendering

Im working with the code found here for the google maps API. I successfully got the geocoding to work but when i run the page given to show the map, I get a blank error message and the map doesnt render.

Heres the page code just in case...


<apex:page sidebar="false" controller="GoogleMapController"> <c:GoogleMap mapType="normal" mapkey="{!forcekey}" data="{!geoDataTable}"/> </apex:page>





Does the "blank error message" come up in a javascript alert?


If so, I got the same results... for some reason, the Google Javascript code thinks that the browser is not compatible -- even though it is. I was using Firefox on a Mac when I got it, but I also got weird results in IE on a PC...


I had to switch to yahoo maps... I'd love any other feedback or help too...


I finally got the map background to show up ... but now I get this visualization error that says "The Columns type does not match the supported data format. See documentation for supported formats." .  I’m trying to implement this code to work with leads instead of accounts so some of the code has been changed but nothing that I would think would affect the columns mentioned in the error message.


Anyone have any ideas?

Ron WildRon Wild

Can you share what you had to do to get the Google map to show up?   We're getting a blank map in IE as well.  Works great in FF and Safari


