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Custom Lookup Page Layout

Does anyone know if you can override the default layout for the lookup page on an object?  I want to add a button to add a new record when needed.  For example, you start a new case on an account, and need to lookup the contact for the case.  The contact at the company has not yet been entered and is not in the lookup dialog.  I want to be able to click Add New to bring up the add new contact page to add it on the fly rather than having to go back and add the contact to the company before starting the case.  Any ideas?
Ron HessRon Hess
You can add fields, but not buttons to the lookup page

Hi Ron,


Just to confirm, there is no way to edit which fields are displayed on the form that pops up after clicking on the 'new' button on the lookup field popup window, correct? 





Message Edited by IC-Tanner on 04-29-2009 01:22 PM
Ron HessRon Hess
that, i don't know for sure.
Any luck with overriding this page?  I have exactly the same need - New button from Lookup results.  It seems you can do a list button on the Search Results screen so not sure why you can't do them same thing on the lookup dialog

Hi Ron, I m facing this issue with one of my implementations.

Have you found the place where we can add fields to this kind of lookup dialogue page layout.

Or  have you found any another workarounf for that.


My actual requirement is; I have actually written a workflow to auto populate some information from contacts to my custom entity.


Please advise...

