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Google-Maps Visualforce Internet Explorer warning on nonsecure elements



I am using the "Salesforce International Mapping using Google Maps" from the following link.


I have configured and installed this package correctly and using it is fine in Firefox.


 However, in Internet Explorer 6 the user receives a warning:


"This page contains both secure and nonsecure items.  Do you want to display the nonsecure items?"


This is very annoying from a user point of view, does anyone have a way round this?


I cannot solve this by changing Ie settings is there any other way?  I cannot either use Firefox for the general users.


Any help appreciated,



Ron HessRon Hess

Here is the solution, sign up for Premier



Previously, when a Google Map was embedded in an encrypted web page, users would get a pop-up message saying the page included both secure and non-secure content.  No one likes pop-up messages and the extra clicks they require.  We heard from several companies using Google Maps API Premier on secure pages who wanted to improve the user experience.   We value the product input we get from our customers and we're pleased to be able to accommodate this request.


Ron, are you aware a license for Premier costs in excess of $10,000?


It seems beneficial to SFDC customers for Salesforce to agree a CRM-wide license for Google Maps. In its current form, it is not realistic to use Google Maps with Salesforce, as the licensing costs are high, and the "this page contains secure and non-secure content" warning is incredibly irritating for users.



Chirag MehtaChirag Mehta



Any solution on how to avoid the "Secure Non-secure pop" without the need to buy Premier Google API key.


Google says

Can the Google Maps APIs be accessed over SSL (HTTPS)? The Google Maps JavaScript API V2, Google Static Maps API, Google Maps API for Flash, and Google Maps API HTTP services can be accessed over a secure (HTTPS) connection by Google Maps API Premier customers. If the Google Maps APIs are used with a free Maps API key on a secure site, the browser may warn the user about non-secure objects on the screen.





Chirag Mehta wrote:



Any solution on how to avoid the "Secure Non-secure pop" without the need to buy Premier Google API key.


Google says

Can the Google Maps APIs be accessed over SSL (HTTPS)?

The Google Maps JavaScript API V2, Google Static Maps API, Google Maps API for Flash, and Google Maps API HTTP services can be accessed over a secure (HTTPS) connection by Google Maps API Premier customers. If the Google Maps APIs are used with a free Maps API key on a secure site, the browser may warn the user about non-secure objects on the screen.



As far as I am aware there is no solution for this.  You could:


1.  Use Firefox which only shows a warning in the status bar

2.  If you have access to the Internet Explorer settings you can adjust this warning.  Not sure if it can be done on a site by site basis though.

3.  Have a custom link or button on the page that opens the map in a separate window.  In our case the users did not want to see the map all the time.  Therefore, I have the link on the relevant page and they can click it to open the map when they wish.  They will still see the warning but only when they have to look at the map and not every single time they load the account page.

4.  Pay lots of money for the Premier API.

5.  I'm sure you could write some code to compile an image of the map at a certain zoom automatically and then if they click on it redirect them to a separate map page.  Not sure if this is legal with Google terms of service though.



Message Edited by JustinMcc on 03-19-2010 05:52 AM

Where the client browser cannot be specified/reconfigured, embedded Google Maps isn't possible without the warning message in IE.


We ended up implementing with Yahoo Maps instead, which has a simple querystring-based API to pass a location in, and retrieve an XML document containing a URL to a map image. Users can't pan/zoom, but it's a simple compromise, they can click a button to open a full map.


Chirag MehtaChirag Mehta



Included all the possible ways to handle this error(stated below) and few more responses found over web at 

Cheryl LinCheryl Lin

Thanks for the info, very helpful.  Does anyone have the link for the yahoo solution? Does that apply to both accounts and contacts? If there are any other free apps that are comparable let me know. Thanks!




 I'm the author of  "Salesforce International Mapping using Google Maps", I've just released another appexchange package called "Salesforce International Mapping using Bing Maps" ( ).


As it uses Bing maps instead of Google Maps it uses HTTPS not HTTP so you will not get the error in Internet Explorer.






Hi Mark,

For the Bing map, is it possible to customize the text that appears on icon mouseover. It seems to display the Street address or Lat/Long depending on parameter submitted. Displaying the Lat/Long is not very useful, would prefer to display other fields.





This could be done but you would need to get into the javascript code to make this changes rather than pass in different parameters into the Visualforce component