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How can I check if my page is in a managed package?

I need a good way to know if I'm in a managed package with a namespace or not.
If I use sforce.connection.query(soql) the query string will be different depending if the page is managed or not.

Example, if I'm in a managed packaged the query string would be
soql = "select myNamespace__myCustomField__c from myNamespace__myCustobObj__c"

but, when I deploy to another server my code becomes unmanaged and the query string needs to be:
soql = "select myCustomField__c from myCustobObj__c"

So, what's a good way to know if the code is managed or not so I can use the correct query string?
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

One thing i would like tell you


Name Space is Organization specific and unique to that application and unique in application data based.


if you are maintaing unmanaged code i belive accourding too documentation it wo't requries name space.



you can find out you appplication having namespace or not  using following things server URL  eg.https:\\


2.checking the components






All Answers


One thing i would like tell you


Name Space is Organization specific and unique to that application and unique in application data based.


if you are maintaing unmanaged code i belive accourding too documentation it wo't requries name space.



you can find out you appplication having namespace or not  using following things server URL  eg.https:\\


2.checking the components






This was selected as the best answer

gv007 wrote:

2.checking the components


Would you explain #2 please?

components means custom object ,custom objects fields and VF page.

R u packaging yours application or not.If so it is managed or unmanaged.


gv007 wrote:

components means custom object ,custom objects fields and VF page.

R u packaging yours application or not.If so it is managed or unmanaged.

Both. It's managed when it's packaged and unmanaged when it's deployed to a server.
Method #1 works for me.