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SFCubed and New MobileMe calendar

Well the other day I was asked to upgrade my mobileme calendar to the new beta and SFCubed went bonkers. It deleted all my events in SalesForce on my calendar and there was no way to get them back (especially the ones that I was invited to). Now SFCubed wont sync with SalesForce and I am out of ideas as how to get it working again. Anyone else had this issue and been able to get SFCubed working again? Any alternatives?


From what i've heard the new mobileme calendar switches its calendar to be a caldav calendar, and they aren't synced by sync services. I'm not sure how it handles the migration. How is sf3 failing to sync, do you get an error message ?


I'm having the same issue.  Specifically, SFCubed is trying to delete all my calendar entries upon sync.


This is a result of the way MobileMe is transitioning its calendar from a regular calendar to a caldav calendar, its been reported by many Sync Services developers. I'm not sure what the best way to move forward is, its really an Apple issue at this point


Understood.  All your users are just wondering if you'll continue to monitor the situation and update SFCubed, if possible, once more information is released on how best to sync with the new calendar.  Thanks for all the hard work you put in.  We really need you.


Yes, i'm monitoring the sync-services discussion group on this issue. I'll post an update when i hear something useful.


Thanks Simon. I am not really getting an error at all just a hang and have to force quit. My first upgrade to the new mobileme cal destroyed all my salesforce events and then it just refuses to sync.


Thanks for making a great tool and I hope that in the future I can use it again as it had become invaluable to me.


Still never really understood why salesforce has not gone the route of webdav as it really is the future and could allow for allot of possibilities.

tom braytom bray
I upgraded by mistake (os3 on my iphone) and then downgraded back but now the Outlook 2007 calender will not sync at all with although the contacts do!

Hi Simon,


I'm a regular user of Sfcubed and we are just few days to have a mandatory upgrade to the new calendar and I know the sync with SFCubed will no longer work. Have find a solution for that?


Thank you very much for the great app. 




Airton M.