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VF: multiple input fields on same line?

Is there a way to put multiple input fields on the same line of a page?  E.g. LastName and Suffix__c on the same line.




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

At least two :


  1. Create a two column pageblocksection and simply list the input fields inside it - this will create two input fields per row.
  2. Create a table with two columns and put each input field inside a separate column.

All Answers


At least two :


  1. Create a two column pageblocksection and simply list the input fields inside it - this will create two input fields per row.
  2. Create a table with two columns and put each input field inside a separate column.
This was selected as the best answer
Thanks, that should do the trick.

Bringing back an old issue, but is there a way to do it without tables nor pageblocksection?  


If you aren't inside a table or a pageblock, you should just be able to list the input fields and the browser will lay them out on the same line.