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How to construct an url with retUrl?

I'm  trying to display a value (pulled from a salesforce record by apex) on a VF page, and have it linked in the browser to a the standard salesforce edit page for the value.


The following does not work; I get to the edit page ok, but when I click save or cancel, I end up at the tab home page for the custom object. But no error.

How are urls with retUrl constructed?



// In the controller extension:


public String getexpenseRatioLink() { return dataMap, 'expense ratio' ).getUrl() + '/e' + '?retUrl=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl(); }


// In the VF page:


// <a href="{!expenseRatioLink}">{!expenseRatio}</a>





Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
If it's a standard salesforce page you are creating a link for retUrl should actually be retURL (url is all capitals).  Also, consider URL encoding the retURL parameter (in case ? or & is included in ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl()) which can be done by using EncodingUtil.urlEncode(url, encodingscheme);

All Answers




You could try with adding only the id of the record/page after ?retUrl=


If it's a standard salesforce page you are creating a link for retUrl should actually be retURL (url is all capitals).  Also, consider URL encoding the retURL parameter (in case ? or & is included in ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl()) which can be done by using EncodingUtil.urlEncode(url, encodingscheme);
This was selected as the best answer