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Overriding opportunity tab landing page



I'm trying to create a Visualforce page to replace the standard opportunity tab landing page. I'd like to replicate the standard page but not to include the reports and tools sections. I've managed to build the page almost completely but few small details are missing:


-'Tell me more' and 'Help for this page' links on section header

-Edit and Create New View links

-Picklist on the right hand side which has options Recently Viewed, Recently Created and Recently Modified

-I have listed the records using pageBlockTable but I can't force the table to use all the possible horizontal space. I've tried to add width="100%" to pageBlockTable attributes


Thanks a lot if you can help with one or many of these!

Message Edited by Mikko4 on 04-27-2009 05:24 AM
Venkat PolisettVenkat Polisett

Please read the Visualforce Developer guide. It has all those items that your are looking for.



Using List Views with Standard List Controllers