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How to retrieve selected picklist value from VF page

Can someone help me on how How to retrieve selected picklist value from VF page??


Is this VF page is using any class(controller) if yes then which type of controller - Custom or Standard or Extenssion


Please let us know this so that we can help you.



yes i'm using a controller and a extension.

Note the pickist has custom values; they are not retrieved from any object


Got it

So you are using a Controller  extenssion but you are not binding this picklist with any of the field of that object.


So make a property in controller class as 


class myclass



//Your existing code 


String PicklistSelectedVal = '';


public String getMyPicklistvalue()


    return  PicklistSelectedVal;



public void setMyPicklistvalue(String val)


   PicklistSelectedVal = val;








IN VF page 


<apex:page .....................>


 <your tags and code >............


<apex:selectList value="{!MyPicklistvalue}" >
      <apex:selectOptions value="{!items}"/>






Now once user clicks submit you can pick the selcted value from the variable "PicklistSelectedVal "  direct or by using the property  getMyPicklistvalue()


Hope this will help you....




thanks for your help

I have done this before; it is not returning any value

If I assign the variable PicklistSelectedVal a value at the start; this value is being return instead of the selected value.

You have an idea why the selected value is not being return??




Are you using a multi-select picklist?


-- Matt


Hi matt,

No its a single-select picklist


Here is some simplified code that should work. It it does not the issue may be with your items collection and the values. You also say "If I assign the variable PicklistSelectedVal a value at the start", make sure you are doing this in the contructor.



public String picklistValue {get; set;}

<apex:selectList value="{!picklistValue}" >
<apex:selectOptions value="{!items}"/>




Message Edited by TehNrd on 05-07-2009 11:56 AM

Here is some expanded code that may help also:


Jeff Douglas

Informa Plc

Govind TalariGovind Talari
Hi mevin, did you find the answer fro the above question even i am facing the same problem!!