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ActionRegion - Still submitting the whole form!?

<apex:pageBlock id="rerenderMe"> <apex:inputField value="{!Quote__c.Custom_Long_Text_Area__c}" /> <apex:actionRegion> <apex:inputField value="{!Account.Custom_Text_Field__c}" /> <apex:image title="Refresh" alt="Refresh" url="{!$Resource.iconref}" width="12" height="12" style="margin:0 1px;cursor:pointer;"> <apex:actionSupport action="{!doNothing}" event="onclick" reRender="rerenderMe" /> </apex:image> </apex:actionRegion> </apex:pageBlock> <apex:pageBlock> <apex:inputField value="{!Account.Custom_Multiselect_Picklist__c}"/> </apex:pageBlock>


In the above - if i monitor the POSTs with Fiddler and/or Firebug - i get the same thing every time.  The WHOLE form is submitted.  I have a large VF page, with many fields (including a few long text areas) that i'd love to use actionregions on to improve page performance (and server performance) - but they just submit the whole form.  And with the long text areas with a lot of content, it just takes forever to process.
The VisualForce Developer's Guide states that actionregion demarcates which components should be processed by the server.  There's nothing in there to say that the whole form wouldn't be posted back, the implication is that sections of it will be ignored.

With a couple of long text areas and multiselect picklists - its killing ajax performance for actionfunction callbacks and rerenders...


Anybody have any suggestions for performance improvements? depending on the size of the data in unrelated fields - given viewstate size, size of field data and the processing time it can take 3+ seconds to roundtrip.

Message Edited by gtindu on 01-21-2010 11:57 AM
You're telling VisualForce to reRender the entire form-- this is expected. Assign an "id" to the ActionRegion and use your reRender target set to the ActionRegion's ID. That should resolve the issue.

does anyone know by chance how to assign the id for the reRender attribute dynamically? I have tried using the apex:param but without luck.



<apex:actionFunction name="reCalc" action="{!reCalc}" reRender="targetId"><apex:param name="fieldID" assignTo="{!fieldID}" value=""/><apex:param name="targetId" id="targetId" assignTo="{!reRenderID}" value=""/></apex:actionFunction>