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ActionRegion - Still submitting the whole form!?
<apex:pageBlock id="rerenderMe"> <apex:inputField value="{!Quote__c.Custom_Long_Text_Area__c}" /> <apex:actionRegion> <apex:inputField value="{!Account.Custom_Text_Field__c}" /> <apex:image title="Refresh" alt="Refresh" url="{!$Resource.iconref}" width="12" height="12" style="margin:0 1px;cursor:pointer;"> <apex:actionSupport action="{!doNothing}" event="onclick" reRender="rerenderMe" /> </apex:image> </apex:actionRegion> </apex:pageBlock> <apex:pageBlock> <apex:inputField value="{!Account.Custom_Multiselect_Picklist__c}"/> </apex:pageBlock>
In the above - if i monitor the POSTs with Fiddler and/or Firebug - i get the same thing every time. The WHOLE form is submitted. I have a large VF page, with many fields (including a few long text areas) that i'd love to use actionregions on to improve page performance (and server performance) - but they just submit the whole form. And with the long text areas with a lot of content, it just takes forever to process.
With a couple of long text areas and multiselect picklists - its killing ajax performance for actionfunction callbacks and rerenders...
Anybody have any suggestions for performance improvements? depending on the size of the data in unrelated fields - given viewstate size, size of field data and the processing time it can take 3+ seconds to roundtrip.
does anyone know by chance how to assign the id for the reRender attribute dynamically? I have tried using the apex:param but without luck.
<apex:actionFunction name="reCalc" action="{!reCalc}" reRender="targetId"><apex:param name="fieldID" assignTo="{!fieldID}" value=""/><apex:param name="targetId" id="targetId" assignTo="{!reRenderID}" value=""/></apex:actionFunction>