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How to enable Visualforce in Developer Edition builds?

I'm trying to get Visualforce enabled in my develop edition account.  I'm not clear on who to contact to request this, so I'm posting it here.  Sorry if this should be a direct-to-salesforce-email, but I imagine others are wondering the same thing.

The Force cookbook states:

Note:  As of September 2007, Visualforce is available as a Developer Preview only.

The product/functionality matrix on p.30 of the cookbook shows the "Visualforce Developer Preview" as being available to Developer Edition accounts.

I'm writing this post because it's not available in my dev. edition account, and I'm unsure how to get it enabled.   Neither the Setup > Build > Pages nor Setup > My Personal Information > Personal Information > Developer Mode options are available to me, so I assume it's the org itself that needs enabling.

Do I have to sign up for a new developer edition account?  That would be somewhat painful, as I have a fair amount of custom objects & Apex Code in my current dev. edition account that I want to use with Visualforce.
VisualForce is developer preview for dreamforce attendee's only right now. If you're at dreamforce, then head upstairs to the developer lounge and signup for the preview, If you have an existing Developer Edition account, then you can get it updated to include VisualForce.
Register for the Visualforce webinar in October, we'll be providing details on how non-Dreamforce attendees can get the Dev Preview enabled.

Message Edited by Tran Man on 09-21-2007 12:13 AM

Tyler WilsonTyler Wilson
I actually was at DreamForce.  Can I still have Visualforce activated in my dev account?
I'm sure you'll want to wait for official word, but I remember them saying that we had to sign up while we were at Dreamforce. They specifically mentioned that even if we were there and wanted to do it after Dreamforce, it wouldn't be possible.

Sorry for the bad news.
Tyler WilsonTyler Wilson
hmm... too bad.  well, I guess we'll see what happens in the coming months.  Thanks for the feedback!
It's very mis-leading to have this cookbook posted on the developer web-site telling us that we can sign up on the website and then not provide that functionality. If it was something that had to be signed up for at Dreamforce, then that is what the cookbook should show. I have signed up for the webinar in October. Hopefully we find out more then.
This is an unfortuntate matter of timing and incompleteness. At the time we sent the book for publishing the exact details of the preview program and dates were not known.  We could have done a better job by indicating that the date and additional details for the program would be posted on the site so as to not leave one with the expectation that the program was open when the book was available.

On behalf of the team I apologize for that. We will have more details at the webinar.

Thank you for your patience.

I wasn't able to attend Dreamforce this year, but I did hear about VisualForce through an associate. Might I suggest removing the reference to it from in your help files because, as stated earlier, it is very misleading. As stated in you online help:

Granted it appears I am still able to write VF code w/o actually having a page.

Just an FYI.
I attended the webinar today and my developer account still is not enabled. What do I need to do?
This definitely needs to be completely removed or hideen in the online help if it's not going to be available to people not in the "cool kids club".

I spent half an hour trying to get started with this via the documentation only to learn I can't even turn it on in my Developer or Unlimited accounts.

Tran ManTran Man
Visualforce is in Developer Preview and can be enabled by those with Developer Edition orgs.  If your Developer Edition org is not enabled, please do so with this link.

Message Edited by Tran Man on 10-18-2007 10:12 AM

It was announced today that VisualForce is now available to all developer accounts. I've not actually gone in to confirm this, but I figured I'd notify anyone watchingt this thread.
Apparently I didn't read this entire thread before posting this update. Sorry for the duplicate.
Krishna Prasad K PKrishna Prasad K P

Tran Man wrote:
If your Developer Edition org is not enabled, please do so with this link

I clicked the link and clicked the button "member shortcut" in that page then it took me to the sign in page- MEMBER SIGN IN
As I tried to submit the form with correct username and password I get the following error!!
Please fill out all required fields (*) and/or correct errors
The username and/or password you entered is incorrect.

Please help me

Thanks in advance,
Tran ManTran Man
Make sure you can log into your developer edition org using this link:  If not, you'll have to reset your password.  After that, try signing up for Visualforce again.

If that doesn't work, send me a message.

UPDATE:  There was a bug in the form when viewed with Internet Explorer.  The problem has been rectified.

Message Edited by Tran Man on 10-22-2007 04:35 PM

What is the current process of enabling Developer preview?

What is the current process for getting a Developer preview for visualforce?

Krishna Prasad K PKrishna Prasad K P
  1. Register for visualforce preview in this link :
  2. Then logon to your salesforce developer Account
  3. Click Setup > My Personal Information > Personal Information, and click Edit.
  4. Select the Development Mode checkbox, and then click Save.  This will enable the Visualforce preview for your Account...
  5. You can select Build > Pages for creating new visualforce pages,




Thank you so much!

SL TanSL Tan

Hi Mr. Krishnaprasad
I am a late starter to using the VisualForce and writing in just to let you know that your guide to registering for and enabling VisualForce in Developer Org continues to be useful for late users like me
Best Wishes and regards
Use this link to enable VisualForce on your developer account. Not sure it will work on production account or not.