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methods and properties for visual force objects

Not been able to find anything about this in documentation. Is it possible to access DOM methods and properties for visual force objects? I am looking at making paired lists similar to the ones on the Web-To-Lead setup page which allows users to select, order and switch items between lists. I have constructed the lists and tied them into the data fine so just need to code the buttons. Is this at all possible in Visual Force/Apex do this or will I need to use Javascript like the components on other pages?
Yes it is possible to do that, even i havent found docs. which gives all the methods for VF objects but every custom objects have std. controller class which contains getter and setter methods for all its field.
Yes it is possible to do that, even i havent found docs. which gives all the methods for VF objects but every custom objects have std. controller class which contains getter and setter methods for all its field.
similarly you
Yes it is possible to do that, even i havent found docs. which gives all the methods for VF objects but every custom objects have std. controller class which contains getter and setter methods for all its field.
similarly you can write methods for your custom objects as well.
Abhishek Singh