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<apex:component> Use of "EXTENSIONS"
I have a Visualforce page with StandardController="Account" and extensions="SampleController_extension".
I want to use an <apex:component> inside this page, and I want the contents of the component to reference the extension.
So, if I use:
<apex:component extensions="SampleController_extension">
I get the Error:
Error: Only StandardController and Apex Code controllers are currently supported.
My question is:
How do I specify a StandardController for an <apex:Component> ?
try controller="SampleController_extension", (you'll probably have to add in a default constructor if you don't have one already)
Doesn't make sense to use extensions if there's no controller to extend off of.
Nope! I tried controller="SampleController_extension" already and it doesn't work.
And yes, I am aware it doesn't make sense to use extensions if there's no controller to extend off of.
Since the error is:
Error: Only StandardController and Apex Code controllers are currently supported.
I want to know how to use a StandardController and its extension in a an apex:component.