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Eclipse 3.5: Flaky Syntax Highlighting

I'm noticing issues with the new plugin related to syntax highlighting when editing VisualForce .page files. It intermittently stops highlight part of the text in the document. I haven't found a pattern when it occurs. 


It is also rendering squiggly yellow lines under my <apex:page> tag, and my first  <script> tag. Any ideas why? These are the first 2  items in my page.


<apex:page standardController="SR__c" 
	title="Entry Page" >
  <script type="text/javascript" src="{!URLFOR($Resource.jQuery142, 'js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js')}" />





Rich C. 




It's happened a couple times today. Both times after I saved the page after adding an <apex:inputField /> with autoclosing tags.




Rich C.


The IDE for Spring '10 does not provide code assist or tag validation for Visualforce pages.  Its support for VF code assist is limited to HTML.  This feature is absolutely on our roadmap.


To turn off the squiggles (in Eclipse 3.5; other versions may be slightly different):

1. Open Eclipse preferences (not project preferences)

2. In the left pane, navigate to Web > HTML Files > Validation

3. In the right pane, under Elements, set "Unknown tag name" to Ignore (default is Warning)


Jon Product Manager



Thanks for the tip related to the squiggles, I applied it earlier today from an earlier thread.
Any suggestions for the on/off syntax highlighting? It is a little baffling to me, one moment the VF page is properly highlighted, I save it, then it's not highlighted any more...  This didn't happen in 3.4, but I don't know if it's related to changes in 3.5 or the newer SF plugin.


Rich C.

JonP wrote:

The IDE for Spring '10 does not provide code assist or tag validation for Visualforce pages.  Its support for VF code assist is limited to HTML.  This feature is absolutely on our roadmap.


To turn off the squiggles (in Eclipse 3.5; other versions may be slightly different):

1. Open Eclipse preferences (not project preferences)

2. In the left pane, navigate to Web > HTML Files > Validation

3. In the right pane, under Elements, set "Unknown tag name" to Ignore (default is Warning)


Jon Product Manager


Ron HessRon Hess

i am seeing this also, and i am on a mac 10.5



I'm seeing it happen on XP & OS X. I run eclipse on both os'es depending on which customer I'm working for.


fwiw I've found a couple workarounds for lost syntax highlighting:


1. Close page & reopen from Solution Explorer. (works but a PITA!)

2. Right Click on page choose Source => Format. (less of a PITA, but it reformats the document)

  a. Ctrl-Shift-F keyboard shortcut (easiest!)


#2 is the easiest, but still isn't a 'Win' as reformats the markup.


If anyone at SF is looking into this, I would be interested in hearing from them.




Rich C.


We're aware of this issue in Eclipse 3.5 and we're targeting to fix it in the next IDE major release, in June, once we determine the root cause.


Jon Product Manager

Good to know this will be fixed in June. Meanwhile I'm able to restore the highighting by using Shift-Tab to un-indent any line. Not sure why but it's definitely the fastest way to restore it. I'm on a Mac OS 10.6.3 using Eclipse 3.5.2 build 20100218-1602 and IDE

On poster said this would be fixed in June, it is close to the end of July. Any update on this?

Joseph FerraroJoseph Ferraro

I'm still experiencing this issue as well


over a year later, and this is still happening in the latest release version...


I'd love to have a solution to this problem!

FWIW it's fixed using Eclipse 3.6.2 and IDE 25.

Really? I'm using IDE 25 and I still constantly have to do ctrl+shift+f to get the synatx highlighting to come back.  Am I missing something?

Well I definitely had the problem when I was using 3.5, but ever since I upgraded to 3.6 Helios it's been fine, even with IDE 21.

I downloaded the IDE directly, is it possible to upgrade from 3.5.2 to 3.6? If not which version of 3.6 should I download from sun's site? This one?


I found that the syntax highlighting issue doesn't happen if you download Eclipse 4.2.2 as-is and then install as a plugin.

Note: Future updates to Eclipse or may invalidate this approach


  1. Download the latest version of Eclipse Classic here
  2. Follow the latest "Install as Eclipse Plugin" instructions (I used instructions for v3.6) here
  3. If you receive an error about org.eclipse.update.ui, try this workaround by zokito.

I've been using this setup for the past few months and everything seems to be fine.  Best of all, the syntax stays highlighted after saving!