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Redirect URL on "Save" (standardController - Custom Object)

SuperNewbie trying to achieve simple task.  I have a VF page for Public Access (customers to fill out warranty info) with a standardController referencing a Custom Object (the warranty info fields). 


After entering data and clicking:  commandButton action="{!save}"  I want to redirect user to outside URL (e.g. HTML "thank you" page). 


Should I be adding an Extension ( e.g. standardController="Warranty__c" extensions="redirect" ) and if so, I'd love a sample of the correct Apex Class code.


The closest I've gotten is to have the page redirect upon loading.  A bit premature I'm afraid.

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help a non-developer develop.  :)

Message Edited by kenzo on 10-30-2009 12:23 PM
Message Edited by kenzo on 10-30-2009 12:25 PM
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Hello Kenzo;

Your controller sould be like below. I assume that you need to redirect to a VF page named myThankyouPage




public class myClass{

ApexPages.StandardController controller;

public myClass(ApexPages.StandardController con){

controller = con;



public PageReference save() {;

return page.myThankyouPage;




 In your first Page(not thankyou page):



<apex:page standardController="Warranty__c" extensions="myClass">


<apex:commandButton value="Save Data" action="{!save}"/>





All Answers


An extension is the cleanest way to implement this. Create an extension and have a method call redirectToThankYou(), in that method, calll the standardController's "Save" and then redirect to the page you need to go. 



Hello Kenzo;

Your controller sould be like below. I assume that you need to redirect to a VF page named myThankyouPage




public class myClass{

ApexPages.StandardController controller;

public myClass(ApexPages.StandardController con){

controller = con;



public PageReference save() {;

return page.myThankyouPage;




 In your first Page(not thankyou page):



<apex:page standardController="Warranty__c" extensions="myClass">


<apex:commandButton value="Save Data" action="{!save}"/>





This was selected as the best answer

Can anyone give me some clues on how to write a unit test for this extension?

Thanks in advance.