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Perform an additional SOQL query
Below is an extension that brings back contact roles that are related to an account and have a type = Board Member. The extension is called from a visualforce page which is triggered by a button on an account page the results are displayed in a table on the page - this bit works well.:smileyhappy:
For the contacts retrieved I need to perform an additional query to see what other board member contact roles they have and display them in a separate table.
So query 1 would bring back Joe Bloggs who is a board member of ABC Co. And Jane Doe who is a board member of ABC Co.
I need query 2 to use Joe and Janes contact ID and search to find any contact roles that have a type of board member and are not ABC Co.
Not sure how to join these statements, any suggestions welcome - thanks in advance.
public with sharing class AccountListExtension { private final Account acct; public AccountListExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { this.acct = (Account)controller.getRecord(); } public List<Contact_Role__c> getBoardmembers(){ List<Contact_Role__c> listBd = [Select,, c.title__c, c.State__c, c.primary_account__c from Contact_Role__c c where c.account__r.Id = :this.acct.Id and c.Contact_Role__c='Board Member']; return listBd; }}
You can find SOQL documentation here -|SkinName=webhelp
To understand the basic Apex language constructs, start with the first few chapters of this reference documentation.
Hope this helps.