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Unknown property '' in VF email templates

I am creating a VF email template on Lead that is meant to render a PDF as an attachment, but keep getting the above error.  Any ideas would be appreciated!  My code is shown below:


<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Provider Application" recipientType="Lead" relatedToType="Lead">

    <messaging:plainTextEmailBody >
        Dear {!},


                                   PLAIN TEXT BODY


         <messaging:attachment renderAs="pdf" filename="{!relatedTo.Company}">
        <apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.pdfresource, 'styles.css')}"/>
          <apex:image url="{!$Resource.Logo}"/>


                                     FIELDS TO BE DISPLAYED




Well, I think that I figured out the first problem on save since I was calling fields like this:


{!Lead.Company}, but when I changed them to {!RelatedTo.Company}, I no longer received the error.  However, when the PDF renders as part of the email and attaches to the email,all of the fields I referred to with the {!RelatedTo.XXX} are blank.  What am I doing wrong here?


Please help - thanks!!!!


I was left with blank fields whenever I selected the email template before selecting the Contact to whom I was sending the email.

Are you manually sending the email with attached PDF from the lead itself? Or is this an automated email?

I am sending an automated email that triggers on workflow.  I do believe that to use an email template manually, you have to be on the lead or contact, select "send email" and then select the template for it to properly populate.