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Adding checkmarks on StandardSetController list or apex:table in general

Is there a way to add a Checkmark to a column? I know that there are Boolean (Checkbox) fields and when these are set to TRUE, Salesforce usually shows them with a check mark.  I have a page where after a method is processed, I want to indicate somehow that particular rows or records were affected, or were successful, or whatever you want.


I only started developing a couple months ago so I am unsure if I'm using the wrong terminology, but I hope someone understands what I am trying to accomplish.


Any immediate help is greatly appreciated.


Thank you


If I understand you correctly, this will probably help.  For your case you'd probably want to augment the standardsetcontroller with an extension rather than go full custom controller but that's up to you :)


From that article...


In the Visualforce community boards one of the most commonly asked questions is, "How can I display a table of records with a check box and then process only the records that are selected?" This is a perfect scenario where a wrapper class can be used.



This post may be helpful.