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How to change the outputpanel width and center the contents of the pageblock?

I have a VF page with a number of questions in the outputLabel and they are wrapping.  Also, my page is heavily weighted to the left and I'd like to find a way to center up the content.  Is there a way to control the width of the output labels and also to get better centering on the page?


                    <apex:outputLabel value="Have you been engaged with this client before?" for="q2"/> 
                        <apex:selectList id="q2" value="{!q2}" size="1">
                            <apex:selectOption itemValue="yes" itemLabel="Yes"/>
                            <apex:selectOption itemValue="no" itemLabel="No"/>

TIA, Mark

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Edwin VijayEdwin Vijay

You can use the style attribute to specify width and centering, though this does not work in all cases...





<apex:outputLabel style="font-weight:bold;" value="Contact E-mail" > <div style="position:relative;left:75px;"> <apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!contactsearch}" /> </div>




All Answers

Edwin VijayEdwin Vijay

You can use the style attribute to specify width and centering, though this does not work in all cases...





<apex:outputLabel style="font-weight:bold;" value="Contact E-mail" > <div style="position:relative;left:75px;"> <apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!contactsearch}" /> </div>




This was selected as the best answer

You can also prevent wrapping of text in the label using css like so:



<apex:outputLabel value="Have you been engaged with this client before?" for="q2" style="white-space:nowrap;"/>





If you want to specify the width of an outputPanel, you need to set the layout attribute to "block". By default, outputPanel renders as <span> tag, which would ignore the width CSS attribute.



Below is an example of outputPanel from the Visualforce Dev Guide.



Span Example <!-- Spans do not add any additional formatting to the body of the outputPanel. --> <apex:outputPanel id="thePanel">My span</apex:outputPanel> The example above renders the following HTML: <span id="thePanel">My span</span> Div Example <!-- Divs place the body of the outputPanel within the equivalent of an HTML paragraph tag. --> <apex:outputPanel id="thePanel" layout="block">My div</apex:outputPanel> The example above renders the following HTML: <div id="thePanel">My div</div>