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Simple VF page - standard Save action doesn't work

I have a very simple VF page:



<apex:page standardController="Opportunity">

<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:form >

Opp name: <apex:inputField value="{! Opportunity.Name }" />
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{! save }" />


I log in as a System Administrator and load the page with this:


The page looks just fine. I type in a new Opportunity name and click Save. The page thinks a little, then redirects me to the regular Opportunity view page, but my new Opportunity name doesn't appear -- it's not getting saved. 


I'm logged in as a System Administrator, so it shouldn't be a permissions issue. I can edit the Opp name using the standard edit page just fine, so again, I don't think it's related to permissions.  I'm using the standard controller, although I've tried it with a custom controller, and I see the same results -- no error, but my changes don't get saved.


Any ideas?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



Try replacing 


value="{! Opportunity.Name }" //There are extra spaces


value="{!Opportunity.Name}" //Extra spaces are removed


action="{! save }" //There are extra spaces


action="{!save}" //Extra spaces are removed





All Answers


Here you need to use an customcontroller.


<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" extenstions ="customcontroller">

<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:form >

Opp name: <apex:inputField value="{! Opportunity.Name }" />
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{! save }" />



in the custom controller wrtie yours logic like this

using pageparameters get the vlaue to save using getter and setter methods ,and insert thave in field .you can get lot of example in the forum just tryit of intially go tthrough cookbook.




Try replacing 


value="{! Opportunity.Name }" //There are extra spaces


value="{!Opportunity.Name}" //Extra spaces are removed


action="{! save }" //There are extra spaces


action="{!save}" //Extra spaces are removed





This was selected as the best answer

Removing the spaces as prageeth suggested (thank you!) did the trick.


But why?


With the spaces in, the page displayed properly. I could see the current value of Opportunity.Name. The Save button did call the save() action, because it redirected me to the Opportuny view page when it was done. 


I can understand why something like this:



value=" {!Opportunity.Name} "

 with spaces outside the braces would cause problems. But if the spaces are inside the braces, why could that be a problem? Is this really expected / desired behavior?


Prageeth, thank you for your help!



It was interesting we can use standard controller feature in new VF Page.I did tried any time.thanks for leting me know this.