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How to use a property defined in a class while designing a VF page?


I want to display a link in a VF page using the following code:


<apex:outputLink value="{!Hello}">KICCP</apex:outputLink>

 while Hello is a property defined in a class named Kiccp ,here is my VF page header and class Kiccp code:


<apex:page standardStylesheets="false" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" controller="Kiccp">


public class Kiccp{
public Kiccp(){}
public String Hello {
get{ return Hello;}
set{ Hello=value; }




 The result is that the outputlink is my index page! I don't know why!
Could some one tell me  how to initialize the property of a class? in which tag to do this?





Message Edited by ambiti on 03-09-2010 05:53 PM
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



You have defined the property perfectly in the class. The only problem i see here is that the property "Hello" is not getting set to a particular value, which is why your page is redirecting it to the index page.


Try and set the value of Hello in the constructor as for example:


public Kiccp()
        Hello = '';


I hope this is what you were trying to achieve.

All Answers




You have defined the property perfectly in the class. The only problem i see here is that the property "Hello" is not getting set to a particular value, which is why your page is redirecting it to the index page.


Try and set the value of Hello in the constructor as for example:


public Kiccp()
        Hello = '';


I hope this is what you were trying to achieve.

This was selected as the best answer

It works! Thanks  for you answer!
I have been busy with other things and had no time to view this post ,please forgive me for responsing  to you so late.

Thanks again.