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Layout in IE vs. Layout in Firefox

Hey guys,


I've created a Visualforce page for a number of users.

Some of my Org users use IE and some use Firefox.


For some reason, my Visualforce page is displayed differently in each web browser.


This is a sample of my Visualforce code:

<apex:pageBlock title="IMAC Detail" id="detailPageBlock"> <apex:panelGrid columns="4" rules="rows" styleClass="panelGridClass" title="IMAC detail" width="100%" columnClasses="panelGridLabel, panelGridValue"> <apex:outputText value="IMAC" /> <apex:panelGroup > <apex:outputField value="{!IMAC__c.Name}" rendered=" {!IMAC__c.ID != inlineEditId}"/> <apex:inputField value="{!IMAC__c.Name}" rendered=" {!IMAC__c.Id == inlineEditId}"/> </apex:panelGroup> <apex:outputText value="Owner" /> .... </apex:panelGrid> </apex:pageBlock>

 Also, the following figure highlights the differences between displayed pages in IE and in FireFox:

 IE vs. Firefox

Does anyone know what I need to do so my Visualforce page would render consistenlty accross these web browsers?


Thank you,




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I'm guessing you're testing on IE6? I don't have a version of that I can test against, unfortunately. But try adding the following to your .panelGridClass:


border-collapse: collapse;




All Answers

What do you have defined in your CSS for panelGridClass, panelGridLable, and panelGridValue?

<!-- Set the style for the Labels columns--> .panelGridLabel { font-weight: bold; text-align: right; width: 17.5%; padding-right: 10px; } <!-- Set the style for the Values columns --> .panelGridValue { text-align: left; padding-left: 10px; width: 32.5%; } <!-- Set the overall masterClass for panelGrid --> .panelGridClass { border-bottom-color:#e3deb8; }


The above is the code for my CSS Style.






I'm guessing you're testing on IE6? I don't have a version of that I can test against, unfortunately. But try adding the following to your .panelGridClass:


border-collapse: collapse;




This was selected as the best answer

It worked.


Thank you for your input Stephan,

