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Currency formatting double to Euro

Hi all,


 I have a double amount which I receive from a webservice. This value is formatted like this ###.##0.00. I wanted to change to Euro format and I use the following code. This however has no effect. Can anyone give some suggestion on how to format to Euro. Typical Euro value will look like 1.243,00 upto 2 decimal places.


<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header"><b>Formatted</b></apex:facet>€
<apex:outputText value="{0, number, ###,###,###,##0.00}">
<apex:param value="{!amount}"/>

Try this



Hi imuino,


 {0,number,\u00A4###,##0.00} would keep the number in USD currency format. I need something like this


 ###.##0,00  to have in Euro format. When I use this ###,##0.00 I get the below error message.


 Error: The number format pattern for <apex:outputText> is invalid.

Hi Ashwin

Change \u00A4 for \u20ac I'm not sure it will work i did never used it but i have read some documentation and it could work

Doesn't work. I think apex:outputText can format only US dollar.