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Apex page messages on standard salesforce pages
Hi all,
Writing some apex which converts an opportunity to another custom object of mine, and it acts upon a button press. When it fails I want to display page messages to inform the user why it failed. However, with it being a standard page I dont seem to be able to do it. In a custom page obviously I'd just stick in the <apex:messages /> tag but with this being the standard Opportunity page, how can I display messages?
Try implementing the validation via an apex trigger, add in it the logic to check the validation and in case of the validation failing raise error with add-error method. Please refer the following for reference:-
if(strAcctRecTypeName == 'Limited Partner') { if(strPAccRecTypeName != 'Institution') {[0].parentId.addError('A '+strPAccRecTypeName+' cannot be the Parent of a Limited Partner. Please select an Institution instead of a '+strPAccRecTypeName+'.'); } }
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Try implementing the validation via an apex trigger, add in it the logic to check the validation and in case of the validation failing raise error with add-error method. Please refer the following for reference:-
if(strAcctRecTypeName == 'Limited Partner') { if(strPAccRecTypeName != 'Institution') {[0].parentId.addError('A '+strPAccRecTypeName+' cannot be the Parent of a Limited Partner. Please select an Institution instead of a '+strPAccRecTypeName+'.'); } }
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addError? does that work differently to the apex page messages? I might try that in future, for now I just direct the user to another custom page with the error.
What about a success message?
that is exactly what I am trying to do!! I keep seeing comments about using triggers and error messages but how about just a friendly "request submitted" type of message on a standard saleforce page (one where you can't edit the visualforce code)..
Good luck!
Were you able to achieve this? displaying a success message on top of a standard salesforce page?