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Customize Leads Home page to access Visualforce page or standard lead page

Hi All-

      I'm sure this is simple but I can't find a simple answer.  I have a couple of different page layouts for leads that multiple users need to see.  Since a page layout is assigned per user, the only way around this was to create a visualforce page for the second page layout, time consuming but not a problem.   So now I need a way for the user to choose which page layout they see when creating a new lead.  I want to have them choose the LEADS tab, then from the LEADS HOME page launch new "custom" lead as well as the "standard" page layout that is assigned to them.


Is there a way to customize and add buttons to the TAB HOME page for a standard object like LEADS or do I have to create a VForce page to mimick this?  Thanks in advance for your help!!


Is there a reason you didn't just create a second Lead record type to handle that "alternate view"? Seems like if you could have a record type for each different view the user needs to see... then assign a different page layout to each record type, and bypass the visualforce altogether.

Cristian STCristian ST
Same problem here, 6 years no resolution, not sure if I want to buy this anymore