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Bug in VisualForce IF?
Hi all,
I'm doing a simple if statement in my visualforce to display data in a column, choosing one of two fields if one is null (one will always be null out of the two).
this is what it looks like
<apex:column title="Certified For All" value="{!IF(ISNULL(CI.Certified_Installer_OLD__c),CI.New_Certified_Installer_Number__c, CI.Certified_Installer_OLD__c)}" />
But I get this error
Visualforce Error Syntax error. Missing ')'
I dont get it from the complier, just on the page. The thing is, this works fine
<apex:column title="Certified For All" value="{!IF(1<2,1, 2)}" />
So it cant be a brackets issue or that wouldnt work either.
Anyone got a clue what's wrong? I'm querying the data so its not that.