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JQuery and Visualforce Component
I'm trying to connect JQuery with Visualforce component ( eg. Apex:InputText ), but not able to get ID in VF component to use in the JQuery function.
Please help!
You need two things: the dom id of the vf control:
<script type="text/javascript">var userIdAuditId = jq('{!$Component.userIdAudit}');</script>
and a function to clean up the special characters in the visualforce generated id's:
<script type="text/javascript">
var j = jQuery.noConflict();
function jq(myid)
return '#' + myid.replace(/(:|\.)/g,'\\\$1');
The script above also sets Jquery into the noConflict mode. You need this as well.
Rich C.
Hi ,
Thanks for your reply
For example :
<apex:form id="FormV">
<apex:pageBlock id="BlockV" >
<apex:pageBlockSection id="SectionV" >
<apex:inputText id="target"/>
<a href="" id="OkB">Click Here!</a>
how to define the inputText id ?