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Error in displaying AggregateResult data in visualforce page
I am querying a table ' expense reports ' for sum of a field expenses using aggregate function ,groupy by owner id of expense reports. I am using a wrapper class to display Owner's name and sum of its expenses. But when the code gets executed i get an error "System.SObjectException: Invalid field Owner for AggregateResult".
My Code:
//Definition / Constructor for Wrapper class
public class wrapER
public String ContractorName{get;set;}
public Integer TotalAmount{get;set;}
public wrapER( String con, Integer amt)
ContractorName = con;
TotalAmount = amt;
//Variable Declaration
public List<wrapER> wrER = new List<wrapER>();
public wrapER[] getwrER()
wrER = PETController();
return wrER;
public List<wrapER> PETController(){
List<aggregateResult> results_agg = [select, SUM(Total_Amount_Expense_Item__c) from Expense_Report__c where Project__c = and Status__c = 'Approved' Group by];
for( integer i =0; i< results_agg.size();i++ )
wrER.add(new wrapER(String.valueOf(results_agg[i].get('Owner')),Integer.valueOf( String.ValueOf(results_agg[i].get('expr0')))));
System.debug('**********res**' +results_agg);
return null;
Any idea how can i fix this error.
Thnaks in advance
In my opinion you can use ownerid instead of .
Try the sample code given below :
List<aggregateResult> results_agg = [select OwnerId, SUM(Amount) from Opportunity where id='00690000002umY3' GROUP BY OwnerId];
system.debug('>>>>>>>' + results_agg[0].get('OwnerId'));
Hope this helps.