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Render section with mutiple values

I would like to render a section based on a users picklist selection.  We have 2 possiable values from the picklist which should render the section.  How do I do 2 values.  right now my code is


rendered="{!Proposal__c.Type_of_Proposal__c == 'Repond to RFP'}">


But i would like to add the value 'Pre-Proposal Idea' as well.


Any help would be appreciated.


Rendered="{!OR(ISPICKVAL(Proposal__c.Type_of_proposal__c,'Respond to RFP'), ISPICKVAL(Proposal__c.Type_of_proposal__c,'Pre-Proposal Idea'))}"


Use "OR", and ISPICKVAL is (in theory) the right thing picklist values.


Best, Steve.


This did not work   the error was "Save Error: incorrect parameter for function "ISPICKVAL()', Expected Picklist, recieved Text.