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Title of the page not displayed...
I created a page : HelloWorld
<apex:page showHeader="false" title="MyTitle">
<h1>Hello World</h1>
But when I opened this page in the browser with the url:
The title not displayed!
Can anyone please assist me to display the title.
Thx in adv,
When you are editing a page in developer mode, the page title will not be displayed. You need to disable the developer mode from personal information page, then title will be shown in browser.
Hi Pradeep Unchecked Development Mode in Setup -> My Personal Information -> Personal Information. Even though the title not get displayed.
Is there anything in need to change the settings?
Hi Buddy,
Even I faced the same issue, then de only soln dat was done inorder to show the title was make showheader "true".
Tryout this sample code to get workaround for title for a page and make sure 'Title' will come after you uncheck the developmentmode :
<apex:page showHeader="false" >
<title> Volunteer Sign-up </title>
<h1>Hello World</h1>