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Changing the inputField value/type dynamically



I have got one requirement, In which I list down all  the fields of a particular object on the page and If user selects any field among the field names available in the list so he/she should be able to see the respective inputField (e.g is user selects the DOB from the list respective inputField of date time should be seen), accordingly for rest of the field types.


At the last I am going to store the value in a Key value pair as a record. However this dynamically rendering of inputFields are required for validation stuff at the client (on page) side.


Can you please help me to find how can we archive this ?


Thanks & Regards,

Anand Agrawal.



What you're looking for will be possible with a new feature coming in the Spring '11 release called Dynamic Binding:



Thanks for the reply Stephan. Thats really helpful.


However is there any workaround to handle this situation in current setup?



Thanks & Regards,

Anand Agrawal