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How do you send a fieldset as an argument to component?
The following component works as expected with the default attribute, (also as tried with type=object[])
<apex:component > <apex:attribute name="fieldset" type="string[]" description="VisualforceArrayList" default="{!$ObjectType.Metadata__c.FieldSets.RL_Default}" />
however when leveraging the component and setting the fieldset I get:
Save error: Literal value is required for attribute fieldset in <c:metadataRelatedListFilter>
<c:metadataRelatedListFilter metadataList="{!Metadata__c.ReferenceFrom__r}" tabname="childrel" title="Child Relationships" fieldset="{!Metadata__c.FieldSets.RL_SObject_ReferenceFrom}"/>
Please advise,
I think the literal message is because you have specified a default for an attribute - VF seems to require a literal rather than merge field in that circumstance.