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Visualforce Email Template Syntax error - but can't figure out where

I'm trying to create a VF template to email Clicktools survey invitations. Clicktools allows for passing values to the survey as parameters on the URL. I was able to succesfully deploy this survey with this URL structure yesterday using Clicktools' email template builder. (Yes, I could create URLencoded formula fields on the Contact, but dangit, I want to get the VF to work!)

While I can't be sure, since all I'm getting is a general "Syntax Error" message when I try to save, I think the problem must be in the URL building, and most likely the 3rd parameter. That parameter in the URL feeds a multi-line Text question in Clicktools, and should be the concatenated Salutation, First & Last;; Title; Account Name; Contact Email, separated by pipes, eg:



<messaging:emailTemplate    subject="Complete the Community Engagement Questionnaire"
                           relatedToType="Account" >

<html dir="ltr">

       <table width="100%" border="0">
               <tr height="91px" bgcolor="#4F78D6">
                   <td align="right">
                   <apex:image value="{!$Resource.CALogoWhOnB}" /></td>
       <p>Dear {!recipient.FirstName},</p>
       <p>The Cultural Alliance needs your help. We know that arts
and culture play a vital role yadda yadda yadda </p>
          <p>The survey takes 15 minutes to complete. To begin, click:
          <apex:outputLink value="">
             <apex:param name="q1" value="{!recipient.Id}" />
             <apex:param name="q2" value="{!relatedTo.Id}" />
             <apex:param name="q3" value="{!URLENCODE({!recipient.Salutation}+' '+{!recipient.FirstName}+' '+{!recipient.LastName})}|{!URLENCODE({!recipient.Title})}|{!URLENCODE({!relatedTo.Name})}|{!URLENCODE({!recipient.Email})}"
              Community Engagement Questionnaire
          . Please complete the questionnaire by <b><u>February 4<sup>th</sup></u> </b>.</p>
       <p>Couple more paras of HTML below.</p>


 Many thanks for any guidance you're willing to offer this aspiring VisualForce builder!




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

There are syntax errors in your UrlEncode calls.   You cannot "nest" the {!...} markers.   Everything inside is an expression. 

So you need something like


{!URLENCODE(recipient.Salutation+' '+recipient.FirstName+' '+recipient.LastName)}|{!URLENCODE(recipient.Title)}|{!URLENCODE(relatedTo.Name)}|{!URLENCODE(recipient.Email)}



All Answers


There are syntax errors in your UrlEncode calls.   You cannot "nest" the {!...} markers.   Everything inside is an expression. 

So you need something like


{!URLENCODE(recipient.Salutation+' '+recipient.FirstName+' '+recipient.LastName)}|{!URLENCODE(recipient.Title)}|{!URLENCODE(relatedTo.Name)}|{!URLENCODE(recipient.Email)}



This was selected as the best answer

Yes - thank you! I got a similar reply on a mailing list I asked as well, but you answered here before I got a chance to update. Actually, with that knowledge, I went ahead and used a single URLENCODE call for the whole thing:



<apex:param name="q3" value="{!URLENCODE(recipient.Salutation+
                      ' '+recipient.FirstName+' '+
                      '|'+relatedTo.Name+'|'+recipient.Email)}" />