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Unknown Property Error using Custom Controller
I have an error with a new Visualforce page I'm creating that takes advantage of a custom controller I made. It is all around custom objects I build, and the class file compiled just fine. But when I start building the Visualforce page it gives me an error that I can't for the life of me figure out.
This is the Visual Force Page
<apex:page controller="TaskTimeEntryController" showHeader="true" sidebar="false"> <apex:form id="TimeEntryForm"> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageBlockSection > {!$User.FirstName} {!$User.LastName} </apex:pageBlockSection> <apex:pageBlockSection > <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!lstTasksForUser}" var="lstTasks" width="100%"> <apex:column HeaderValue="Select"> <apex:outputText Value="{!lstTasks.Name}"></apex:outputText> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
And the Controller:
public class TaskTimeEntryController { public List<Task__c> lstTasksForUser = new List<Task__c>(); public List<Time_Entry__c> lstTimeToEnter = new List<Time_Entry__c>(); public TaskTimeEntryController(){ populateTaskList(); } private void populateTaskList() { lstTasksForUser = [ Select Name, Task_Status__c, Current_Hours__c, Current_End_Date__c, Current_Duration__c, Assigned_To__c, (Select Estimated_Time__c From Future_Time_Entries__r) From Task__c WHERE Assigned_To__c = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; } public List<Task__c> getUsersTasks() { return lstTasksForUser; } }
The class compiles fine, I'm using the IDE, so that seems to be okay. But then when I go to save my Visualforce page it gives the following error:
Save error: Unknown property 'TaskTimeEntryController.lstTasksForUser'
I've looked over a the variable names a bunch of times and even copied another sample that was the same structure and it compiles just fine, but when I change to my objects, error. I'm sure I'm missing something simple.
Your getter is called getUserTasks() so you need {!userTasks}. The format you're using is for use with the property syntax, e.g.
You can move your getter into this definition and then refer to it as "{!lstTasksForUser}" if you want.
All Answers
Your getter is called getUserTasks() so you need {!userTasks}. The format you're using is for use with the property syntax, e.g.
You can move your getter into this definition and then refer to it as "{!lstTasksForUser}" if you want.
I should have posted this a while ago because that was an easy fix, just swaped out what you have for my second line and everything worked perfectly.
Thanks Jill.
Error: Unknown property 'Sample1.WrapperClass.acct'
I am facing this error.
Class is running fine, but vf page is showing error.
Code for vf page is as below:
<apex:page controller="Sample1" tabStyle="Account">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageBlock id="pg">
<apex:pageBlockSection >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!listWrapper}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!}"/>
code for controller:
public class Sample1 {
public List < WrapperClass > listWrapper {
public Sample1() {
public void queryacc() {
List < Account > listAcct = [SELECT Name FROM Account LIMIT 1000];
if (listAcct.size() > 0) {
listWrapper = new List < WrapperClass > ();
public class WrapperClass implements Comparable {
public string acctname {
public WrapperClass(Account acct) {
this.acctname = acct.Name;
public Integer compareTo(Object compareTo) {
WrapperClass compareToEmp = (WrapperClass)compareTo;
if (acctname == compareToEmp.acctname) return 0;
if (acctname > compareToEmp.acctname) return 1;
return -1;