Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM) Forum Ambassador Hello, please follow this trailhead unit/module to see how configure fields to be encrypted with Shield : Éric
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Hello everybody i passed my salesforce admin exam today and still haven't received the results although i submitted my exam it still says in progress.
I passed my exam the 27th of december
How can i get my results please ?
Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM) Forum Ambassador Today, 5:58 PM Hello, very strange if you have gone throughout the entire exam. Try to open a case to Salesforce support to explain your situation. Be aware that it could take a couple of weeks before the case is solved. Good luck ! Éric
Sep 4, 6:43 PM Olá, @Taise Miguel! Estava com o mesmo problema. Como estou em PT-BR, e a mensagem de erro citava os nomes do Relatório e da Pasta em PT-BR, tive que criar a pasta "Relatórios públicos" manualmente e depois mover o Relatório para dentro dela. Após isso, funcionou.
Even after creating new playgrounds many times, still getting the same error again and again.
Please help.
Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM) Forum Ambassador Today, 5:54 PM Hello, have you done all previous units of the same module before trying validating this one ? Éric
This error is coming and not able to complete the challenge .
Please help.
Today, 5:39 PM Thank you but its still not working.
Still need help to solve this challenge.
when i doing Create Insights Using Data Cloud this project 'Unified Individua object now showing when i follow the steps what should i do..?
In salesforce CPQ, product which I created is not showing in product selection. Active checbox is set to true and component is false and price book is also created. Then also, unable to add the product in quote line editor.
Today, 4:52 PM Hi @Pranjal Jain,
if it is existed quote, quote is linked with different price book(or) if it new quote, in quote line editor, we have selected different price book. these reasons why your unable to select the product
I am encountering an issue while trying to scaffold an LWR project using the create-lwr package in Visual Studio Code. Upon running the command, I receive the following error:
Scaffolding project in C:\Users\bdubey\Desktop\lwrPoc\lwr-project...
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'C:\Users\bdubey\AppData\node_modules\create-lwr\template-markdown-static-site'
I verified that the template-markdown-static-site directory is indeed missing in the create-lwr package. Here’s what I’ve tried so far to resolve the issue:
- Reinstalled the create-lwr package globally using npm uninstall -g create-lwr and npm install -g create-lwr.
- Verified the installation to ensure no missing files.
- Checked for updates and confirmed that I’m using the latest version of the package.
How to resolve it
Today, 3:53 PM Hi @Keiji Otsubo,
npm init lwr@0.14.5 my-lwr-app -- --template lwc-ts
I am able to create for this lwr version but css is not working
if I am adding any file is not working,why?
I am trying to register on with my personal Gmail id but I didn't get the activation/verification mail. Re-attempt not allowing since showing email id is already registered. This issue I am facing in Google Chrome .
I am needing assistance with creating a formula to calculate the end of month date for future months based on out client sizes. Currently we have a custom field (Client_Size_Tier_c) which can be 1-4 and based on the client size tier I need to create another custom field to determine when the team needs to review a specific set of fields in Salesforce. The breakdown would be as follows:
Tier 1: Monthly
Tier 2: Monthly
Tier 3: Quarterly
Tier 4: Annually
Basically, if the team updates the field today, they have until the end of the month to complete their review, for example, for a Tier 1 client the team must review and update a specific field by the end of the following month to be in compliance or if there is a Tier 3 client the team has until the end of the 3rd month to review/update the specific field(s).
I do have another custom field that logs the date/time the field was last updated (Start_Date_c) which would be the start date and I need assistance with coming up with a formula to calculate the end date based on the Client_Size_Tier_c field.
Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM) Forum Ambassador Today, 3:32 PM Hello, you may try something like (not tested, typed on cellphone, sorry) :
"Tier1", ADDMONTHS(DATE(YEAR(Start_Date_c), MONTH(Start_Date_c),1),1)-1,
"Tier2", ADDMONTHS(DATE(YEAR(Start_Date_c), MONTH(Start_Date_c),1),1)-1,
"Tier3", IF(MONTH(Start_Date_c)<4,DATE(YEAR(Start_Date_c),3,31), IF(MONTH(Start_Date_c)<7, DATE(YEAR(Start_Date_c),06,30), IF(MONTH(Start_Date_c)<10, DATE(YEAR(Start_Date_c),09,30), DATE(YEAR(Start_Date_c),12,31) ) ) ),
"Tier4", DATE(YEAR(Start_Date_c),12,31),