function readOnly(count){ }
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I need to highlight a column after clicking on it...
Can any one help me out..??
Thanks & Regards,
You have to use onclick function like this example:
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>MouseOver in a Table</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <TABLE BORDER=1> <TR> <TD id=X1 onmouseover=" = 'bold';" onmouseout=" = 'normal';"> Bolds OnMouseOver</TD> <TD id=X2 onmouseover="'teal';" onmouseout="'black';"> Color changes OnMouseOver</TD> <TD id=X3 onmouseover="'blue','bold';" onmouseout="'black','normal';"> Bolds and Changes Color OnMouseOver</TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>
Thanks for the reply...
Actually after clicking on that column the colour should be like that only.
i mean it should to come to prevous stage.
can u help me.???
Could you please explain your requirement clearly.
And if possible, then please provide your code snippet.
You have to use onclick function like this example:
Thanks for the reply...
Actually after clicking on that column the colour should be like that only.
i mean it should to come to prevous stage.
can u help me.???
Could you please explain your requirement clearly.
And if possible, then please provide your code snippet.