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Custom List view with a dynamic search



Struggling on this, I would like a custom list view with a dynamic date field search.  Below is a visualforce page which is all set-up just how I want it. I am using the action save clearly this needs to be a search method.



<apex:page standardController="Reservation__c"  extensions="Resmanager">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:sectionHeader title="Availability Search"/>            
            <apex:pageBlock title="Search">
                <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                    <apex:commandButton action="{save}" value="Search"/>
                <apex:inputField value="{!Reservation__c.Start_Date__c}"/>
            <apex:pageBlock title="Reservations">
                <apex:pageBlockSection >
                    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Reservations}" var="res">
                        <apex:column value="{!res.Start_Date__c}"  />
                        <apex:column value="{!res.End_Date__c}"  />
                        <apex:column value="{!res.Nights__c}"  />


I am not sure how to write the search method, my attempt on the controller below.  I am hardcoding yesterday to get the controller to work.



public class Resmanager { 

    public Resmanager(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {

    public List<Reservation__c> getReservations(){
        List<Reservation__c> listBd=[select, r.Start_Date__c, R.End_Date__c, nights__c from Reservation__c r where start_date__c = yesterday];
        return listBd;   




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma

Change line






All Answers

Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma

Create a getter and setter for  Reservation object and initialize it with controller.

Now instead of Yesterday, you can use :




On click of Save , you ony need to refresh the result section. This will call the reservation getter and  will will display the refreshed result.




Thanks for the post.


I very new to APEX and have only had to use it couple of times.


I tried without any success to apply get and set to the code but I keep getting a ton of errors.


Are you able to provide some sample code?


No problem if not thanks for your help.



Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma

Use this :



public class Resmanager {
public Reservation__c resaervation(get;set;)
 public Resmanager(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { reservation=controller.getRecord();
} public List<Reservation__c> getReservations(){ List<Reservation__c> listBd=[select, r.Start_Date__c, R.End_Date__c, nights__c from Reservation__c r where start_date__c = reservation.Start_Date__c]; return listBd; }

public void save()





Thanks for this, have tried still getting problems.


Error: Resmanager Compile Error: Illegal assignment from SObject to SOBJECT:Reservation__c at line 4 column 12




Apex Controller

Made some changes to your code highlighted in red.  


public class Resmanager {
    public Reservation__c reservation {get;set;}
    public Resmanager(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
    public List<Reservation__c> getReservations(){
            List<Reservation__c> listBd=[select, r.Start_Date__c, R.End_Date__c, nights__c from Reservation__c r where start_date__c = :reservation.Start_Date__c];
            return listBd;   
    public void save()


Visualforce Page

<apex:page standardController="Reservation__c"  extensions="Resmanager">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:sectionHeader title="Availability Search"/>            
            <apex:pageBlock title="Search">
                <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                    <apex:commandButton action="{!reservation}" value="Search"/>
                <apex:inputField value="{!Reservation__c.Start_Date__c}"/>
            <apex:pageBlock title="Reservations">
                <apex:pageBlockSection >
                    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Reservations}" var="res">
                        <apex:column value="{!res.Start_Date__c}"  />
                        <apex:column value="{!res.End_Date__c}"  />
                        <apex:column value="{!res.Nights__c}"  />






Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma

Change line





This was selected as the best answer

Thanks for all your help a pleasure working with you.  Got there in the end and thanks to your help I now understand how to create these types of APEX solutions.