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Rerender two datatables on a single OnChange event of Picklist

I have created one picklist for displaying Queues(custom object). Now when i change the picklist value, using wrapper class I display the count of members of Queue in various status(say , available, busy, On Call) in one dataList  . And also I have to display each agent's details of that particular Queue in another table. I have created another wrapper class for that and have linked it to another datatable. But then how do i rerender both the dataList and the Datatable on a single ActionSupport Event of  the Picklist.


Please suggest.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Rahul SharmaRahul Sharma

Give Id to table as Id1 & Id2,

In action support put rerender="Id1, Id2"

If it doesn't work then Post your snippet.

All Answers

Rahul SharmaRahul Sharma

Firstly give Id to both Lists and Rerender both Ids.

Also manipulate both the list on same function.  which would be called with Actionfunction.


Ya I have added the logic of both in the same function but now the problem is rerendering both the datatables in one call....  How to rerender both??

Rahul SharmaRahul Sharma

Give Id to table as Id1 & Id2,

In action support put rerender="Id1, Id2"

If it doesn't work then Post your snippet.

This was selected as the best answer

Thanks Rahul....  :)...  Thanks a lot.. It worked.... :)