function readOnly(count){ }
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Tell me what is inputField and what is the use of the field.
an <apex:inputfield> will bind an SObject field to a HTML input field on your Visualforce page.
So if you wanted to be able to edit a contact's email on a VF page,
<apex:page standardController="Contact"> <apex:form> <apex:inputfield value={!}" /> </apex:form> </apex:page>
Please tell me the answer for it. Please Explain it to me. Its urgent.
an <apex:inputfield> will bind an SObject field to a HTML input field on your Visualforce page.
So if you wanted to be able to edit a contact's email on a VF page,
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Please tell me the answer for it. Please Explain it to me. Its urgent.
an <apex:inputfield> will bind an SObject field to a HTML input field on your Visualforce page.
So if you wanted to be able to edit a contact's email on a VF page,