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I have created a look up from case object to a custom object. The field name is statusupdate__c i am getting the value of the statusupdate__c field but I what the id of the field to compare whether it is present in the case object. What should I do. pls help me it is urgent. pls
my code
list<string> status1 = new list<string>(); list<string> id = new list<string>(); list<string> name1 = new list<string>(); for(Case { status1.add(caseobj.statusupdate__c); id.add(caseobj.recordtypeid); //id.add(caseobj.recordtypename); //status1 = [select status from case where id=:recordtypeid]; //id = [SELECT id, selectstatus__c from statusupdate__c WHERE id]; } list<statusupdate__c > newstatus = new list<statusupdate__c >(); newstatus = [select Name,selectstatus__c,id from statusupdate__c where id =:status1]; RecordType contactRecType = [select name from RecordType where id=:id ]; // list<statusupdate__c > statusid = new list<statusupdate__c >(); // statusid = [select id from statusupdate__c where selectstatus__c = :status1]; list<case> newcase = new list<case>(); newcase = [select Status,id,statusupdate__c from case]; system.debug('+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'+newcase[0].statusupdate__c) ;
pls help me i am new to salsforce.
Can anybody help me to solve this problem.
What is exactly your problem?
I am facing the same issue. I want the id in a jquery but all i get is the value of the field "Test account", for e.g. Did you resolve this issue?