function readOnly(count){ }
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Is there a way to add the attachement related list on a visualforce page? Can anyone give me some code samples ?
<apex:relatedList id="Attachments" subject="{!myObject}" list="NotesAndAttachments" title="Attached Documents"/>
list="NotesAndAttachments" is the important thing
What do you mean by {!myObject} in the subject brackets? is that the record Id?
Okay I figured out the myObject thing, but I would I get attachments to be visible on a site?
<apex:relatedList id="Attachments" subject="{!myObject}" list="NotesAndAttachments" title="Attached Documents"/>
list="NotesAndAttachments" is the important thing
What do you mean by {!myObject} in the subject brackets? is that the record Id?
Okay I figured out the myObject thing, but I would I get attachments to be visible on a site?