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SalesForce ID and Full Date/Time Appears in VF Email Template

I have a Visualforce email template and it seems that thSalesForce ID of an Account is appearing rather than the name of the Account Name. 


The field I am referencing is a Lookup field on the custom object Policy to an Account.  I am having the same issue with a Lookup field on this custom object to a Contact.  The code I am using for these fields is:


Insured: {!relatedTo.Insured__c}

Underwriter: {!relatedTo.Underwriter__c}


I am also pulling in two date fields but rather than showing that appears on the screen (e.g. 4/1/2010) it is showing Thu Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT 2010 .  How can I get it to just show MM/DD/YYYY.  The code I am using for these fields is:


Effective Date: {!relatedTo.Effective_Date__c}
Expiration Date: {!relatedTo.Expiration_Date__c}


Any help is greatly appreciated!  Thanks

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I was able to work with the date code you provided and I was able to get it to work.  I used:


<apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM/dd/yyyy}"><apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Effective_Date__c}"/></apex:outputText>


Thanks for all your help!

All Answers


try like this Insured: {!}

and for the date u can use like this



<apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM/DD/YYYY}" style="font-style:Georgia;font-size:10pt;">
                                    <apex:param value="{!O.Effective_Date__c}"/> 

Thanks for your help!  The SalesForce ID solution worked but with the date solution, I got a number of errors.  I have tried a number of scenarios to resolve but keep getting new errors.  Below is the updated code I had put it in and here is the error I get:


Error: X90_Day_Policy_Expiration_Notification line 8, column 170: The element type "messaging:plaintextemailbody" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</messaging:plaintextemailbody>"

Error: The element type "messaging:plaintextemailbody" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</messaging:plaintextemailbody>".



<messaging:emailTemplate subject="90 Day Policy Expiration: {!}" recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="Policy__c">
<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >
The following policy has an Expiration Date that is within 90 days from today.

Policy: {!relatedTo.Name}
Insured: {!}
Effective Date: <apex:outputText></apex:outputText> value="{0,date,MM/DD/YYYY}" style="font-style:Georgia;font-size:10pt;"><apex:param value="{!O.Effective_Date__c}"/></apex:outputtext>
Expiration Date: {!relatedTo.Expiration_Date__c}
Underwriter: {!}
Underwriting Branch Office: {!relatedTo.Underwriting_Branch_Office__c}




I was able to work with the date code you provided and I was able to get it to work.  I used:


<apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM/dd/yyyy}"><apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Effective_Date__c}"/></apex:outputText>


Thanks for all your help!

This was selected as the best answer