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VisualForce transposed table - help with design options, please
I need to display rows of a Salesforce object for data entry (eg product line items).
Each object has numerous fields (more than 20), and there are only a few rows (eg 5).
It would be much more practical my objects as columns in a VisualForce datatable, but that will be very complicated
- 1 or several transient classes to transform the Salesforce model into the displayed model
- 1 custom component for each different "complex" Salesforce type (date, lookup, selection list, etc.), since the VF page will no longer be displaying sObjects
- etc.
Is there a quicker way to benefit from all the standard Salesforce and VisualForce stuff (eg InputField instead of Inputtext) in a view where standard rows are transposed into columns ?
Thanks for any intelligent design ideas,
I think you should be able to do it using a fieldset to specify the fields you want to display and iterating over the fieldset and rows. Something like this....
<apex:dataTable value="{!$ObjectType.opportunitylineItem.fieldsets.myfieldset}" var="field">
<apex:repeat value="{!Opportunity.OpportunityLineItems}" var="item">
<apex:column value="{!item[field]}"/>
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You should still be able to use sobjects, inputField, etc You will just need the controller code to provide the right object in the context.
Hi aballard, thanks for your answer.
I'm working with Opp Line Items, with many custom fields.
If I were displaying lines of Opp line Items in a DataTable, I would be using code such as :
The nice thing here is that I am calling controller code on an sObject (Opp Line Item), and so I can use e.g. apex:outputField etc. and benefit from standard sObject rich data types (and input methods, eg for Dates, etc.)
Unfortunately, I need to transpose my Opp Line Items, and display them in colums, so each column will be a different Opp Line Item, and each row will be a different attribute : col 1 will contain the attribute name, col 2 will contain its value on oppli1, col 3 will contain its value on oppli2, etc.
To do this, I can only imagine to create a whole bunch of transient classe to describe each line (for each attribute) and hard code and manage custom components for data entry.
Do you think there could be a better way of doing this ? Could I, somehow, build a DataTable and use an intelligent iterator to transpose my Opp Line Items into rows ?
I hope you can help,
I think you should be able to do it using a fieldset to specify the fields you want to display and iterating over the fieldset and rows. Something like this....
<apex:dataTable value="{!$ObjectType.opportunitylineItem.fieldsets.myfieldset}" var="field">
<apex:repeat value="{!Opportunity.OpportunityLineItems}" var="item">
<apex:column value="{!item[field]}"/>
Wow, that looks sexy : I'll give it a try, thanks,
aballard, thanks, that was a great help :smileytongue:
For readers, here is the full result :
You then define the IHM field set on OpportunityLineItem; you will need to customize mySave in an extension controller.
Have fun, and thanks again,
Well, saving the lines seemed simple :
First step : add the button at the top of the page :
Second step : create a controller extension :
When I display an opp with opplines, I can edit the line content by double-clicking (thanks to inline editing) : great !
Then, when I click on Save, the lines are updated (seemingly) : the new values are displayed correctly on the screen.
However, if I refresh the screen, the lines are displayed with their old content !
It seems that the lines displayed on the screen after inline editing are not the lines (and values) saed into the database in the mySave method.
Any ideas, anyone ?
OK, OK ... :smileysurprised: Shame ! answer to myself :
I was displaying this in the VF page :
and saving this in the controller :
So I changed my VF page to display "{!opplines}".
Thanks for this great solution. Very close to what I am looking for. I also struggle to save changes made to the transposed table. And you last post does not work for me. Changing
results in an error. Can you please help me?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Did you create a property called "opplines" in your controller ?
In my case :
where CELines is my StandardSetController :
Thanks, my Apex skills are too limited to fit those lines into the code you provided earlier. But don't worry, I will need to get a developer anyway for other stuff. I got some good inspiration from your code, editing would just have been the cream on the cake. Thanks again!
Hi All,
I am looking for similar requirement, here I managed to build transpose table but unable to save the data entered. So pls help.
Vf Page:
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="IHMController" standardStylesheets="false">
<apex:form id="form" >
<apex:pageBlock title="Account Contacts">
<apex:pageMessages id="errors"/>
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
<apex:commandbutton id="saveButton" action="{!mySave}" value="Save"/>
<apex:DataTable border="1" value="{!$ObjectType.Contact.fieldsets.IHM}" var="field">
<apex:column headerValue="Attributs" value="{!field}"/>
<apex:repeat value="{!Account.Contacts}" var="item">
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">{!item['Name']}</apex:facet>
<apex:outputField value="{!item[field]}">
<apex:inlineEditSupport event="ondblClick" showOnEdit="saveButton"/>
public class IHMController {
private Account acc { get; set; }
private List<Contact> accContact { get; set; }
public IHMController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
acc = (Account)stdController.getRecord();
try {
accContact = [SELECT id, Name, MobilePhone FROM Contact WHERE AccountId = :];
System.debug('#### opplines requete ='+accContact);
} catch (DmlException ex) {
public PageReference mySave() {
try {
System.debug('#### opplines update ='+accContact);
update accContact;
} catch (DmlException ex) {
return null;
Hi Dave,
Have you defined a field set on Contact to list the fields you wish to display ?
Hi Rup,
Yeah I have created the field set IHM under contact object. Even I can see the contact values in a table for any Account but only thing I am not able to update and save those contact values even after clicking save.