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Creating outbound message using Apex


I want create a out bound mesage using  Apex  & i successfully did it.I am posting the code down.


But here   I  am  hard-coding the add chidelement here.


Can some body let me know  is it possible to pass  the childelement Dynamically.Since  I am hardcording the field plz let.




 public static void sendRequest()




String soapNS = '';

String xsi = '';

String endpntUrl = '';

String timeout = '10


// Account Fields


list<Account> lstAccounts = [Select id,Name from Account];


DOM.Document doc = new DOM.Document();

dom.XmlNode envelope = doc.createRootElement('Envelope', soapNS, 'soapenv');

envelope.setNamespace('xsi', xsi);



dom.XmlNode configData = envelope.addChildElement('_configData', soapNS, null);

dom.XmlNode endpointURL = configData.addChildElement('endpointURL', xsi, null).addTextNode(endpntUrl);

dom.XmlNode tout = configData.addChildElement('timeout', xsi, null).addTextNode(timeout);




dom.XmlNode body = envelope.addChildElement('Body', soapNS, null);


for(Account acc: lstAccounts){


dom.XmlNode accountList = body.addChildElement('accountList',xsi,null);

dom.XmlNode AccountName = accountList.addChildElement('Name', xsi, null).addTextNode(acc.Name);

dom.XmlNode Id = accountList.addChildElement('Id', xsi, null).addTextNode(acc.Id);





String req = doc.toXmlString();




Please Help me on this  :)


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

We can dynamically pass the query.
 Map <String,Schema.SObjectField> mapAcct = Schema.SObjectType.Account.fields.getMap();
 List<String> listaAcct = new List<String>(); 
  for(String stAcct : mapAcct.keyset())
  DOM.Document doc = new DOM.Document();
  dom.XmlNode envelope = doc.createRootElement('Envelope', soapNS, 'soapenv');
  envelope.setNamespace('xsi', xsi);
   dom.XmlNode configData = envelope.addChildElement('_configData', soapNS, null);
  dom.XmlNode endpointURL = configData.addChildElement('endpointURL', xsi, null).addTextNode(endpntUrl);
   dom.XmlNode body = envelope.addChildElement('Body', soapNS, null);
       dom.XmlNode accountList = body.addChildElement('accountList',xsi,null);
  for(Integer i=0;i<listaAcct.size();i++)
      String xyz=String.valueOf(listaAcct.get(i));
   dom.XmlNode AccountName = accountList.addChildElement(''+listaAcct.get(i), xsi, null).addTextNode(xyz);