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Collaborative eCollaborative e 

Visualforce Error "Unknown Property 'String.File_Name__c'"

Built a controller and an visualforce page. Trying to gather records from an object and then use <apex:repeat> to display them on the page. Here's the controller code:


public class MyCustomRentalExtension {
	//The standard controller on which this extension is based
	Custom_Rental__c rental;
	//Properties of this class
	public String booth {get;set;}
	List<Custom_Rental__c> allSizes = new List<Custom_Rental__c>();
	public MyCustomRentalExtension() {
		//set the default size
		booth = '10x10';
		//on page load, get the size param from the URL 
		String sizeParam = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('booth');
		if (sizeParam != ''){
			for (Custom_Rental__c cr : allSizes){
				if(cr.Booth__c == sizeParam){
					booth = cr.Booth__c;
	//List records for a specific booth size
	public List<Custom_Rental__c> getBooths() {
		return [Select, p.File_Name__c, p.Preview_Link__c from Custom_Rental__c p where p.Booth__c = :booth Order By p.File_Name__c];

Here is the VF Page:

<apex:page showHeader="false" id="body" standardStylesheets="false" controller="MyCustomRentalExtension" cache="true" expires="600">
<title>{!booth} Customer Rental Extension Site</title></head>

<h2> {!booth} Custom Rental Portfolio</h2><br/>
<p>To learn more about our {!booth} custom rental solutions click on one of the booth photographs below.</p><br/>

<apex:form id="form">
	<apex:outputPanel id="list">
		<apex:repeat value="{!Booths}" var="booth" id="boothList">
			<div style="float: left; padding:0; margin:0px 15px 15px 0px;">
				<h4 align="center">{!booth.File_Name__c}</h4>
				<div style="border: 2px solid #e2e2e2; margin:0; padding:2px;">
					<a href="Page1?id={}">
						<img src="{!booth.Preview_Link__c}" width="250" height="200" alt="{!booth.Name}" />



 I am getting an error on the VF page saying "Unknown Property 'String.File_Name__c'

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Try changing the variable name from booth to, maybe, b... 


so instead of


<apex:repeat value="{!Booths}" var="booth" id="boothList">




<apex:repeat value="{!Booths}" var="b" id="boothList">


I have a feeling that {!booth.File_Name__c} is making a call to your getter method on the booth variable.

All Answers


Try changing the variable name from booth to, maybe, b... 


so instead of


<apex:repeat value="{!Booths}" var="booth" id="boothList">




<apex:repeat value="{!Booths}" var="b" id="boothList">


I have a feeling that {!booth.File_Name__c} is making a call to your getter method on the booth variable.

This was selected as the best answer
Collaborative eCollaborative e

Thanks knthornt1. That fixed that problem. I have updated the code here:




public class MyCustomRentalExtension {
	//The standard controller on which this extension is based
	Custom_Rental__c rental;
	//Properties of this class
	public String sqft {get;set;}
	List<Custom_Rental__c> allSizes = new List<Custom_Rental__c>();
	public MyCustomRentalExtension() {
		//set the default size
		sqft = '10x10';
		//on page load, get the size param from the URL 
		sqft = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Booth');

	//List records for a specific booth size
	public List<AWS_S3_Object__c> getBooths() {
		return [Select, p.File_Name__c, p.Preview_Link__c from AWS_S3_Object__c p where p.Booth__c = :sqft Order By p.File_Name__c];

 VF Page

<apex:page showHeader="false" id="body" standardStylesheets="false" controller="MyCustomRentalExtension" cache="true" expires="600">
<title>Freeman - {!sqft} Customer Rental Extension Site</title></head>

<h2> {!sqft} Custom Rental Portfolio</h2><br/>
<p>To learn more about our {!sqft} custom rental solutions click on one of the booth photographs below.</p><br/>

<apex:form id="form">
	<apex:outputPanel id="list">
		<apex:repeat value="{!Booths}" var="rental" id="boothList">
			<div style="float: left; padding:0; margin:0px 15px 15px 0px;">
				<h4 align="center">{!rental.File_Name__c}</h4>
				<div style="border: 2px solid #e2e2e2; margin:0; padding:2px;">
					<a href="{!rental.Preview_Link__c}">
						<img src="{!rental.Preview_Link__c}" width="250" height="200" alt="{!rental.Name}" />




One more issue: when I enter the URL with ?Booth=10x10 it changes the value of {!sqft} but does not dynamically fill in the information from the list I created in the controller.


It creates a thumbnail box for each record found but offers no title, link, etc.


You can see this here:


Not sure if this will help, but try changing 


Select, p.File_Name__c, p.Preview_Link__c from AWS_S3_Object__c p where p.Booth__c = :sqft Order By p.File_Name__c




Select id, File_Name__c, Preview_Link__c from AWS_S3_Object__c where Booth__c = :sqft Order By File_Name__c


Also, for the preview link, might URLFOR() help there? give that a shot and see if that helps at all. You might need some other help beyond what I can provide here though.

Collaborative eCollaborative e

Thanks for the continued thoughts and help knthornt1.


Tried changing the select statement as you mentioned. Got an error:


"No such column 'File_Name__c' on entity 'Custom_Rental__c'.

Collaborative eCollaborative e

My apologies. Constroller is as listed below. Trying to call SELECT statement from Custom_Rental__c object. Not from AWS_S3_Object__c.



public class MyCustomRentalExtension {
	//The standard controller on which this extension is based
	Custom_Rental__c rental;
	//Properties of this class
	public String sqft {get;set;}
	List<Custom_Rental__c> allSizes = new List<Custom_Rental__c>();
	public MyCustomRentalExtension() {
		//set the default size
		sqft = '10x10';
		//on page load, get the size param from the URL 
		sqft = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Booth');

	//List records for a specific booth size
	public List<Custom_Rental__c> getBooths() {
		return [Select, p.File_Name__c, p.Preview_Link__c from Custom_Rental__c p where p.Booth__c = :sqft Order By p.File_Name__c];

  And VF Page:

<apex:page showHeader="false" id="body" standardStylesheets="false" controller="MyCustomRentalExtension" cache="true" expires="600">
<title>Freeman - {!sqft} Customer Rental Extension Site</title></head>

<h2> {!sqft} Custom Rental Portfolio</h2><br/>
<p>To learn more about our {!sqft} custom rental solutions click on one of the booth photographs below.</p><br/>

<apex:form id="form">
	<apex:outputPanel id="list">
		<apex:repeat value="{!Booths}" var="rental" id="boothList">
			<div style="float: left; padding:0; margin:0px 15px 15px 0px;">
				<h4 align="center">{!rental.File_Name__c}</h4>
				<div style="border: 2px solid #e2e2e2; margin:0; padding:2px;">
					<a href="{!rental.Preview_Link__c}">
						<img src="{!rental.Preview_Link__c}" width="250" height="200" alt="{!rental.Name}" />




The error would indicated that you don't have the field File_Name__c on that object. you had AWS_S3_Object__c in there before and it was working, is File_Name__c the proper API name for that field on the Custom Rental object?

Collaborative eCollaborative e

Sorry for the confusion. Yes File_Name__c is the proper API name for the field in the Custom Rental Object.

Shoby Abdi.ax1151Shoby Abdi.ax1151

Hi Kyle and Kevin!


Kevin, can you try the following: take that direct query out of that method, and place it in the constructor and set it to a List<Custom_Rental__c> with get; set;


i.e. public List<Custom_Rental__c> booths {get; set;}


and constructor


public MyCustomRentalExtension() {

booths  = [Select, p.File_Name__c, p.Preview_Link__c from Custom_Rental__c p where p.Booth__c = :sqft Order By p.File_Name__c]



There maybe something goofy with the order of operations

Collaborative eCollaborative e

Thanks Shoby. I'm confused...would it then look like this? 


public class MyCustomRentalExtension {
	//The standard controller on which this extension is based today
	Custom_Rental__c rental;
	//Properties of this class
	public String sqft {get;set;}
	public List<Custom_Rental__c> booths {get;set;}
	public MyCustomRentalExtension() {
		//set the default size
		sqft = '10x20';
		//on page load, get the size param from the URL 
		sqft = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Booth');
		booths = [Select, p.File_Name__c, p.Preview_Link__c from Custom_Rental__c p where p.Booth__c = :sqft Order By p.File_Name__c];


Shoby Abdi.ax1151Shoby Abdi.ax1151

Thats correct. It simply maybe an issue with order of operations. 

Collaborative eCollaborative e

No change in the situation. Still seeing blank values on visualforce page:


To ensure we're on the same page. Here's what the Class looks like now:

public class MyCustomRentalExtension {
	//The standard controller on which this extension is based today
	Custom_Rental__c rental;
	//Properties of this class
	public String sqft {get;set;}
	public List<Custom_Rental__c> booths {get;set;}
	public MyCustomRentalExtension() {
		//set the default size
		sqft = '10x20';
		//on page load, get the size param from the URL 
		sqft = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Booth');
		booths = [Select, p.File_Name__c, p.Preview_Link__c from Custom_Rental__c p where p.Booth__c = :sqft Order By p.File_Name__c];

 Here's the VF Page:

<apex:page showHeader="false" id="body" standardStylesheets="false" controller="MyCustomRentalExtension" cache="true" expires="600">
<title>Freeman - {!sqft} Customer Rental Extension Site</title></head>

<h2> {!sqft} Custom Rental Portfolio</h2><br/>
<p>To learn more about our {!sqft} custom rental solutions click on one of the booth photographs below.</p><br/>

	<apex:outputPanel id="list">
		<apex:repeat value="{!Booths}" var="rental" id="boothList">
			<div style="float: left; padding:0; margin:0px 15px 15px 0px;">
				<h4 align="center">{!rental.File_Name__c}</h4>
				<div style="border: 2px solid #e2e2e2; margin:0; padding:2px;">
					<a href="{!rental.Preview_Link__c}">
						<img src="URLFOR({!rental.Preview_Link__c})" width="250" height="200" alt="{!rental.Name}" />


 If there is a better/simplier way to do this I'm all ears...

Shoby Abdi.ax1151Shoby Abdi.ax1151

The sqft value is showing up on the page from the looks of it, just not the data. I have to ask on whether the Sites profile has access to those custom objects and fields

Collaborative eCollaborative e

Fair question Shoby. I had given the Site Profile (in this case it was the "Custom Rental" profile) access to the "Custom_Rental__c" object with read rights to the object and all fields.


I had NOT given access for the profile to be able to run the MyCustomRentalExtension class :smileymad:


Closer...but now I get the Authorization Required sites page when I try to go to the site link I provided above.


The site profile has read access to the one object I'm using and to the class. What else could I be missing?

Collaborative eCollaborative e

More strangeness.


When I change the "Custom_Rental__c" object to "Deployed" I get the "Authorization Required" error. When I change it back to "In Development" I see the 4 empty image boxes.


I feel stupid for asking this...but does it make a difference that this is in a full sandbox?